Design your happiness today
Omniana - Your Operating System for Life [Notion Template]

Organizing the hidden systems of your life for happiness

$ 29 USD

What if every part of your life was designed for happiness

Your life is busy. Your life is complex. So many people, companies, bills, things, all requiring your attention and making you work. Omniana flips this, and makes the hidden systems of your life work for you.

Optimize your happiness

You tend to chase fun, or efficiency, or more money, a better job, or more things. You may feel exhausted from the treadmill of life. Omniana makes sure everything you do is a step towards happiness.

Care for your relationships

You lose touch. Friendships fade. Everyone becomes a somebody-you-kinda-know on social media. And you are left feeling isolated, and alone. Omniana helps make those relationships deep, real, and lasting.

Rule your material things

Your life is filled with stuff. Things. Possibily too much of it! You are taught that buying the next thing will make life better.  Culture tells us to keep up. Omniana helps you find a balance that frees you to live.

Notion Template

This Notion Template includes a Personal Dashboard, Happiness Journal, Relationship Manager, Systems Manager, and Personal Inventory.

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Unique Approach
Creating a context for happiness

Happiness isn't just about the individual going at it alone. We help you build the systems and relationships around you to better support your happiness.

Live Differently
A new approach to living

Too much of our world is created by companies that are looking to exploit us for their profit. At MMSZ we look to disrupt these interactions, and put the power for happiness back in the hands of the individual.

by Design

We are dedicated to helping you create a life of happiness, for yourself, for your business and those you work with, and for your community.

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